The Office of School Operations oversees and provides technical assistance concerning the operation and management of public school districts and BOCES and concerning services to students of nonpublic schools and organizations. The Office seeks ways to improve operation and management to support improved student achievement by supporting cost-effective school business practices; promoting child nutrition; targeting resources to improve student achievement; establishing clear expectations and standards for educational facilities which promote effective and efficient learning; and providing information and building partnerships to leverage State, Federal, local and private resources and knowledge.
The Office of School Operations website provides information on:
- 2016 Drinking Water Week is May 1-7
- Hurricane Sandy - Resources and Guidance
- Extreme Weather Event Guidance to Schools
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- School facility issues including construction planning, building aid, building permits, health and safety, and fire safety
- Cost Effectiveness
- School District Wellness Policies
- Regents State Aid Proposal
- Services to Nonpublic School Students
- School District Data on Budget Votes, Taxes and Administrator Salaries
- School Bus Safety Drills
- Native American Education
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